A Guide to referencinG Sixth edition
A Guide to RefeRencinG with exAmpleS in the ApA & hArvArd StyleS Sixth edition university of canberra library and Academic Skills program 2010
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university of canberra library and Academic Skills program university of canberra Act 2601 AuStrAliA
first published 1986 Second edition 1988 Second edition, revised 1990 third edition 1999 fourth edition 2003 fifth edition 2007 Sixth edition 2010 © university of canberra library, 2010 this publication is also available online at: http://www.canberra.edu.au/library/research-gateway/research_help/referencing-guides iSBn 9781740883153
tABLe of contents
introduction …show more content…
omit the quotation marks. use double spacing for both your text and the indented quote. make sure the quote is exactly as it was published. much has been written about acute care. finkelman (2006), for example, points out that: there are many changes in acute care services occurring almost daily, and due to the increasing use of outpatient surgery, surgical services have experienced major changes. hospitals are increasing the size of their outpatient or ambulatory surgery departments and adjusting to the need of moving patients into and out of the surgical service in 1 day or even a few hours. (p. 184) recently, this trend has been seen in some Australian hospitals and research here… two authors when considering context and communication littlejohn and foss (2005) maintained that… A recent study (duffy, deakin, wieniawa-narkiewicz, & wilson, 2001, p. 20) concluded that… Subsequent in-text reference/s: (duffy et al., 2001, p. …show more content…
Separate each reference with a semicolon. the cyclical process (carr & Kemmis, 1986; dick, 2000; Kemmis & mctaggart, 1988; macisaac, 1995) suggests…
RefeRence liSt carr, w., & Kemmis, S. (1986). Becoming critical: Education knowledge and action research. london, england: falmer press. dick, B. (2000). A beginner’s guide to action research. retrieved from http://www.scu.edu.au/schools/gcm/ar/arp/guide.html Kemmis, S., & mctaggart, r. (eds.). (1988). The action research planner (3rd ed.). melbourne, Australia: deakin university. macisaac, d. (1995). An introduction to action research. retrieved from http://physicsed.buffalostate.edu/danowner/actionrsch.html
e-Book – online book - if the url leads to information about how to obtain the book, use “Available from” instead of “retrieved from”. - if there is a doi (digital object identifier), include it instead of the ‘retrieved from’ statement. A doi is a unique, permanent identifier assigned to many electronic documents. citing a source within a source when citing a source you haven’t read yourself, but which is referred to in a source you have read. chapter in edited