Growing Esteem:
Refining the HR Policy Framework to Support the Vision
December 2010
Table of Contents
1 Introduction 3
2 Background 3
2.1 The environment we will be working in 3
2.1.1 External factors 3
2.1.2 Internal decisions and factors 4
2.1.3 The HR policy imperatives 5
2.2 Where we are now 5
2.2.1 Our current staffing profile 5
2.2.2 Current performance 7
2.3 The future 8
2.3.1 The goals of Growing Esteem 2010 8
2.3.2 Supporting this vision through a refined HR Strategy 9
3 The refined HR policy framework 9
3.1 Consultation and Feedback 10
4 Priority areas for reform 10
4.1 Improvement of the performance development framework 11
4.2 Clarifying performance expectations 12
4.3 Align work activity to ‘work focus categories’ and link these to performance expectations 13
4.4 Supporting early career staff 15
4.5 Classification issues - broad banding of professional staff classifications 16
5 Other policy issues 17
5.1 Building flexibility - Classification issues 17
5.2 Attracting and retaining highest quality staff 17
5.3 Aligning performance – Probation and confirmation 17
5.4 Investing in staff - Leadership and management development 18
6 Next Steps 18
6.1 Governance of the implementation project 18
6.2 Plan for areas of further work 19
Appendix 1: Schematic diagram of the refined strategic HR Policy Framework 20
We are all part of an institution with a proud record of scholarship and achievement. The University of Melbourne has a well deserved international reputation for research excellence and quality of student outcomes and we have demonstrated our capacity to innovate and lead higher education nationally. Melbourne’s international standing and research prominence has enabled us to attract fine students and staff.
We seek to lead through research, to educate for excellence and to connect and contribute through