My aim in this assignment is to reflect on my role, responsibilities and boundaries as a Money Education trainer within Learning & Development. This is influenced not only by the needs of the learners, but also by the requirements of the organisation. It is vital for me to deliver professional, high quality teaching. In the words of Gravells (2009:2) I aim to ‘be committed to lifelong learning and professional development, and strive for continuous improvement through reflective practice . . . creating effective and stimulating opportunities for learning through high quality teaching that enables the progression of all learners’.
To achieve this I review and reflect on my roles, responsibilities and boundaries, using the below teaching and learning cycle, Gravells (2012:10)
This cycle can be followed by teacher and learner alike at any point, but must be followed completely and regularly for learning to be effective. The importance of this is highlighted by Daines (1993:17) ‘Planning and preparation are as necessary prerequisites for a teaching/learning event as are assessment and evaluation after it. There are no shortcuts in this process’.
My role, responsibilities and boundaries includes a wide range of activities; some of these are to complete initial assessments, in order to gain an understanding of learner’s skills and knowledge; ensuring they are on the correct course. Along with an insight to any possible barriers or challenges that may affect their learning, along with the needs of myself or the organisation. For the courses I deliver, learners would need basic core skills in numeracy and literacy, if they didn’t I would sign post to other agencies to gain these prior to attending the course. I communicate effectively with organisations and learners in a warm & friendly manner, not to be mistaken for friendship or an