Being passionate about my subject, in turn, would help me with by voice inflection, gestures, and making eye contact with the audience. If I was not passionate about my topic than my judges would not be very convinced with my argument. Ironically, I also learned from communication that communicating with my teammates was very important for the debate. Our object was to convince the judges our argument was right, and to do that we needed to work together as a team. As a team we needed to come up with our arguments as well as work together in out rebuttal statements and the fire back questions round. A lot of my knowledge about communication went into preparing and presenting our debate and I believe that my team was successful because of
Being passionate about my subject, in turn, would help me with by voice inflection, gestures, and making eye contact with the audience. If I was not passionate about my topic than my judges would not be very convinced with my argument. Ironically, I also learned from communication that communicating with my teammates was very important for the debate. Our object was to convince the judges our argument was right, and to do that we needed to work together as a team. As a team we needed to come up with our arguments as well as work together in out rebuttal statements and the fire back questions round. A lot of my knowledge about communication went into preparing and presenting our debate and I believe that my team was successful because of