What is Reflection?
Deeper and longer lasting learning is developed through personal reflection and self-appraisal - questioning is the essence of reflection. Thus you should question what you have learned throughout the module and undertaking of case analysis in seminars. Successful reflection enables self-awareness, personal and professional growth and improved evaluative skills. Reflection compliments lifelong learning and professional development by helping us realize why the successes succeed and the failures fail, providing a catalyst for educational change.
What is the purpose of reflection?
Research suggests that the process of reflection causes deeper and longer lasting learning. It is through this process of critical reflection that students are able to identify their personal growth, reformulate personal goals and beliefs, and clarify their development in a meaning manner that can be used to inform future directions/ action.
What will I reflect on?
You will be reflecting on your experiences, frustrations, growths and the outcomes from the work you are undertaking for this module (BSM936). You should seek to make the connections between what you have learned and the process of discussing and debating in a group situation.
Ultimately, the reflection process should help in understanding…
What you contributed and what you gained from others’ contributions
What debates there were, what changes occurred in your thinking and how you changed others’ perspectives
How you approached discussions and debates and how you feel this went well/ might be adapted.
What learning and growth has occurred
What frustrations there were and how you dealt with them (for good or ill)
How you would likely change your approach/ practice in the future
Additional questions you may wish to address
What pattern(s) did I observe?
What happened when I tried something new?
Why a specific event/ ‘happening’ occurred?
Why do I feel X