Children are so fresh and should be the happiest of us all. It absolutely breaks my heart to see someone so worn and torn at such a young age, whether it be a fictional character in the realm of Law& Order or a child I’ve had personal experience with. Over the summer I got matched with a little buddy. Her mom is a single parent, works, and is putting herself through school with two children in elementary school. My buddy would hardly talk to me at first even though her mom said she has never been shy in her life; you could tell she didn’t understand how I really fit in the picture. But now, just a couple months later, she has completely come out of her shell and even skipped her way to my car the other day just to go hang out at my house. This is why I want to be a social worker. I want to use my education and opportunities to help these children and their families through the rough patches, and be a support for them. If no one else will pay attention to them, I will. If no one else is going to tell them how spectacular they are, I will. If no one else is going to help them realize their full potential, I…
Describe how you have established respectful, professional relationships with children and young people in your setting.…
Background of The Circle Program This research proposal will revolve around the Circle Program. This program is based on a therapeutic foster care model. It provides foster carers and their children support through a specialist team and trains foster carers to understand how trauma effects foster children (MacKillop Family Services n.d.). This type of foster care model supports youth work practice through having similar principles to the YACVic Code of Ethical Practice.…
The supervisor of the Mesa Children’s unit is well known for his easy disposition and caring demeanor. It’s evident by his interaction with his staff that he is highly invested in their personal and professional growth. He is known to be absent-minded especially when overwhelmed with his responsibilities and requires a lot of reminders from his team to stay on task. This supervisor is most closely aligned with a servant leader style of management. He embodies several of the ten principles of servant leaders including listening, empathy, healing, stewardship, growth, community building, and nurturing the spirit. Unfortunately, the supervisor lacks in the areas of awareness, persuasion, conceptualization, and foresight. He received his…
People in general administration of helping youth may be a standout amongst the most troublesome employments around. Not just does the employment need to consider what is to the greatest advantage of the tyke yet it likewise needs to fulfill the kid's guardians. Subsequently picking the right people to satisfy the dynamic parts inside this open administration is fundamental. The South Carolina Department of Juvenile Justice (DJJ) is an office committed to aiding at danger youth with amending negative practices so they can one day get to be more dependable individuals from the group. In place for this organization to perform this objective they need to look for assets from various parkways. Also, they need to guarantee that the personal satisfactions for the housed youth are altruistic.…
Task 1: Establishing a respectful, professional and comfortable relationship with children and young people can be developed in numerous ways. This is normally down to common sense but other factors are included which can include principles and values. Children are very responsive human beings which are wide eyed to a lot of things going on around them. In order for children to achieve their highest potential they have to be surrounded by a constructive and reassuring environment.…
Establishing respectful, professional relationships with children, young people and adults is a major role for anyone working with children and young people. One of the first things you will need to is establish ground rules and mutual respect, it is important that children and young people see you as the adult and that your relationships remain on a professional level. You should start by talking with them about how you are going to work together and what each person want to get out of the relationship. You will need to communicate effectively in order to provide the support required from you. Good communication and listening skills are a big factor when…
With reference to two specific instances in the novel, how does Lee use the child’s perspective to make a social point?…
The Playspent simulation made me feel horrible for not doing more to help the people who have to live under the conditions that the simulation put me in. The most difficult decisions that I had to make was to fly to my childhood friends wedding for $350 or to say I can’t go. That was a hard decision because you want to be there for your friend but if you living in poverty then you had to say no. I wonder about how people in poverty are affected by going to the local soup kitchen. and the creators of this simulation might what to fix the fact that you can click pay at the grocery store even though who have not bought anything. Some other challenges that might come up are that your house was robbed of if someone stole your car.…
8. Explain why it is important to offer inclusive practice and why no child should be excluded from activities ( excluding children leads them to be isolated, lonely and can mean they are withdrawn and shy, they may not develop at the right level and could develop behavioural problems) Explain why giving choices enables a child to feel they have some control and what the effect can be on their development.…
I was mainly in charge of ten Chinese children with an average age of eight however, I also supervised the entire camp of thirty-five children from the age of seven to fifteen with the help of at least one other counselor. They did not speak English very well, and I was expecting a challenge, but not to the extent that I experienced. I was under a tremendous amount of responsibility as I was in charge of the care of someone else’s children. I was also the only counselor on duty 24/7 and the only one that slept in the dorm with the children. The children often did not listen and because two of the six counselors that were hired with me left the camp early, we were short staffed and often had to take on more responsibility than originally planned. I suddenly became a teacher’s assistant, maid, and nurse. I was very frustrated and had to sit down with the director of the camp to explain my feelings so as to ensure that my feelings did not negatively impact the children’s experience at camp. The director was very understanding and our conversation resulted in the entire staff sitting down and having an open conversation about what would need to change so the counselors were not receiving too much pressure. This conversation allowed many of my coworkers to deal with their own feelings and the camp ran much more smoothly after that. We were able to be there for each other and the mood of the camp was greatly…
Deciding what populations and types of clients with whom I want to work with, in the field of social work, is one of the most important decisions ever, regarding my career. From as early as childhood, I have always known that I want to work with children in whatever career path I embarked on. After deciding education and teaching was not the career I wanted to choose as my forever career, I always envisioned myself being a child and family social worker. I feel so comfortable with this population because I have always felt a need to want to improve the quality of life for families and children. I did not have the best childhood-due to experiencing homelessness, addictions and having to mature at an early age, but I knew the warm feeling that I received when my family was together and thriving was the best. According to the Code of Ethics of the National Association of Social Work (NASW), “the primary mission of the social work profession is to enhance human well-being and help meet the basic human needs of all people, with particular attention to the needs and empowerment of people who are vulnerable, oppresses, and living in poverty” (NASW 2010). Children are one of the most vulnerable and helpless beings in the world, so they need someone to fight for them. This is the population is where I feel I can help to enhance the social functioning of children and families the most.…
Throughout my placement on Redbrook ward, i have had the opportunity to be involved and take part in MDT meetings. By producing the following table, i was able to understand why having MDT meetings are important, and the importance they have on effective patient care.…
In the summer of 2006 my sister and I decided we wanted to go to summer camp. After searching long and hard, we finally found a program called 4H. 4H is a group created to teach leadership skills as well as how to be an admirable citizen. This program comes in many different forms; the two most prevalent are clubs and camps. We decided this seemed like an excellent place to go to camp at. Since I was only nine, being away from my family for a whole week was hard. Little did I realize while I was crying after my mother "abandoned" me at this camp, that the people of 4H would soon become my family.…
Really. [to him, children are] cute little bundles of hilarious innocence: genuine, caring, and naturally kindhearted.” (J.D. Salinger, 1951) After reading and understanding that novel, I knew for a fact that I was 100% on board of the concept of protecting the innocence within children. For that reason, I would ideally like to work with children and/or youths mostly because and as cliché as this phrase might sound but ‘they are the future, our future.’ Chances are most teenagers and adults have seen the harsh reality of life in their own ways. Children on the other hand carry this sense of innocence which is refreshing to witness every now or than.. There's also the fact that young individuals can easily be moulded into even greater individuals, with the help of correct guidance of…