Kaitlin Shahan
In the summer of 2006 my sister and I decided we wanted to go to summer camp. After searching long and hard, we finally found a program called 4H. 4H is a group created to teach leadership skills as well as how to be an admirable citizen. This program comes in many different forms; the two most prevalent are clubs and camps. We decided this seemed like an excellent place to go to camp at. Since I was only nine, being away from my family for a whole week was hard. Little did I realize while I was crying after my mother "abandoned" me at this camp, that the people of 4H would soon become my family.
The four Hs stand for head, heart, hands, and health. If you are a member of 4H your goal is to strive and improve those four things while applying them in ways that help others. There is a pledge involved in which a member promises to use all of these Hs to benefit others. At the final council circle of every 4H camp, awards are given to four people that represent one of each of the 4Hs the most.
"I pledge my head to clearer thinking..." The person that receives this award is said to always be in the right mind set. They're always on top of any situation trying to work through it, or just doing it the right way.
"...my heart to greater loyalty..." The heart H is awarded to someone for a fairly self-explanatory reason. They're caring compassionate of others.
"...my hands to larger service..." The person that is given the hands award, is always helping. They're willing to chip in on any activity where and extra hand is needed.
"...And my health for better living..." The health H is often awarded to someone who shows extreme cleanliness. They eat healthy and lead a "pure" life.
There is also one other award given at the final Council Circle. It is the Spirit of Camp. The person awarded with this represents all four of the Hs, they show the best traits from each.
Everyone in 4H strives to represent these things. This is what creates the