After Reconstruction the states that resided in the north were primarily Liberal Republican. This was due from Lincoln’s association with the Republican Party, and the role he had on equal treatment for blacks during the Civil War (Boles pg. 570). Also, the term liberal is associated with the progressive party, which means looking forward. In contrast, the south was primarily Conservative Democratic, with the term conservative associated with being stuck in old ways of doing things. This implies that they did not agree upon the equal opportunities among blacks and whites, because they viewed blacks more as servants. This way of thinking stemmed from before the Civil War, when slavery was still in common practice. So, one of the main divisions between the two parties was the issue on race. Today the south is largely associated with the Conservative Republican platforms, and the north being associated with the Liberal Democratic platforms. The purpose of this paper is to explain how the South transitioned from this solidly Democratic region to one that is today largely recognized as solidly Republican, through the platforms of key politicians had on…