Whilst on clinical placement, a male resident with dementia and I were sitting in his room within the nursing home for which he resided for the past two years. The resident was becoming anxious about his family, stating that they lived far away and he missed them. He showed me a card from one of his daughters she had sent for his birthday. As I was reading what she had written I became overwhelmed with empathetic emotion and wanted to cry due to her emotive words.
To maintain a professional relationship within the health care setting, whilst still comforting the resident and portraying empathy in context with his concerns.
When the resident had shown me the card and I became overwhelmed by my own emotions, I excused myself and left the room. As I went to the bathroom to settle myself down I tried to think of the patient at this time and what I could do to help them professionally. In accordance with professional boundaries I went to the facilitator and explained the situation. She organised for the onsite social worker to see him, instead of myself.
This allowed the resident a chance to overcome his concerns by talking to someone with the qualification to help efficiently and ability to maintain professionalism effectively. This outcome also permitted myself to maintain a boundary of professionalism and be aware of my own weaknesses and expand my own personal knowing to be able to deal with similar situations in the future in a better way.
Whilst on clinical placement, we were required to complete a Clinical Assessment Profile or CAP. During filling out a student objective sheet I became confused on whether the student objectives were supposed to be from a personal level of goals or had to be in accordance with the ANMC National Competency Standards for the Registered Nurse. As our facilitator was always available at the facility, I went to ask her if she knew what was expected of us and if so what were the