I started this quarter with the hope that I could improve my writing skills and become a better writer and learn and improve my writing processes. I do believe I have accomplished that to some extent. At the beginning, of the term when I would start to write an essay I would just write it no prewriting or preparing. Now I would have to say that I see the importance of research and outlines and redrafting papers. I am not going to get a perfect paper in just one draft. I need to take the time to work at your writing and make sure I use accurate and credible sources, and I do not want to copy some ones work word for the word I need to give credit to the person that I use the information. I did have a tough time getting
my citation right, but I think that I have gotten it since I went back and reviewed the resources that are out there like the OWL. I have learned that an Argumentative Essay has to have logic and clear and concise, so there is no doubt what the position of the writer. There for, I need to do the research, so I can make your point and support your topic, so people will see it your way. There are many different sources that I can use a reference like the library book and the internet, but I need to make sure sources are credible, and the information is correct. I have also learned that critical thinking and organization is key to be a successful writer. I truly see the needing for the organization so people can follow what I am truly trying to say and it makes sense. I have learned a lot over this term, and I hope to continue to improve my writing skills and continue to learn to be a better writer. I really enjoyed the class and learning all the new information and I hope just to build on the foundation that I stared, and keep using the tools that I was given here to strive to improve.