I overcame the hardship of being widowed young and tasked with raising a three and five year old on my own. However, with my children off on their own, I am now able to expend more of my time and energy towards my new career. Fortunately, my enthusiasm for learning has not diminished over the years. I have been a nurse for over two decades and learned many valuable skills that will directly translate over to my new career. Working in the hospital is built on a foundation of teamwork and accountability. I am adept to working well with all levels of management and understand the importance of hard work and dedication. A great nurse is one who is able to empathize with and have compassion for those in need and their loved ones, and I strongly believe I embody this mantra. I am certain that I will be able to listen to a client's wants and desire and make their vision come true, which would be the ultimate reward for a designer. I want their design to tell a story of who they are and be a collection of what they love. Through hard work and great effort, I believe I can achieve
I overcame the hardship of being widowed young and tasked with raising a three and five year old on my own. However, with my children off on their own, I am now able to expend more of my time and energy towards my new career. Fortunately, my enthusiasm for learning has not diminished over the years. I have been a nurse for over two decades and learned many valuable skills that will directly translate over to my new career. Working in the hospital is built on a foundation of teamwork and accountability. I am adept to working well with all levels of management and understand the importance of hard work and dedication. A great nurse is one who is able to empathize with and have compassion for those in need and their loved ones, and I strongly believe I embody this mantra. I am certain that I will be able to listen to a client's wants and desire and make their vision come true, which would be the ultimate reward for a designer. I want their design to tell a story of who they are and be a collection of what they love. Through hard work and great effort, I believe I can achieve