The “Relative Deprivation Theory” dates back nearly 65 years ago. Samuel Stouffer invented the notion of relative deprivation.(Pettigrew , walker kitabı) Samuel Stouffer made a survey with American soldier in World War II. Survey’s results was improbable. According to the survey’s results military police more pleased than U.S. Army Air corpsman even though military police’s promotions were slower than U.S. Army Air corpsman’s promotions. Stouffer indicated that the military police did not compare with U.S. Army corpsman, they compared with similar group which included other military polices. Stouffer hypothesized that relative deprivation was devised in consequence of this comparisons within the same groups. Davis stated that (19..); Stouffer did not defined and measured relative deprivation directly in The American Soldier. However, it can be said that the relative deprivation theory occured first time in this article. (Davis, 19..).
After Stouffer’s ideas, Merton and Kitt studied in the RD theory and they extended the RD idea within referance group basis.(merton&kitt 1950) Merton and Kitt’s main contribution’s was social comparisons. Furthermore, Davis (1959) was the first formal theorist who was study about relative deprivation. According to Davis (1959), relative deprivation is occured when a …show more content…
person who absence something which is desired, compares himself to other people who are within his/her social enviroment who has something his/her desired.
Another theorist who studied relative deprivation formaly was Runcimann (1966).
Runciman defined relative deprivation as: “a person is relatively deprived of X when (i) he does not have X, (ii) he sees some other person or persons, which may include himself at some previous or expected time, as having X (whether or not this is or will be in fact the case), (iii) he wants X, and (iv) he sees it as feasible that he should have X (op.cit..p.10). Besides that Runciman (1966) divided the RD into invidual RD which is the person compare himself/herself to other people and group RD which is the person compare his/her group to other
Pettigrew described RD with three steps. First, there must be comparisons made by an individual. If one does not compare, there can be no RD. Second, there must be a cognitive appraisal that leads the individual to perceive that the individual or his/her ingroup is at a disadvantage. This perceived comparative disadvantage distinguishes RD from the earlier frustration-aggression hypothesis and other noncomparative models of social justice and discrimination. Third, the perceived disadvantage must be viewed as unfair. The perceiver thinks the perceiver or his/her ingroup deserves better, and this results in angry resentment. This component is an indispensable component of RD. If my better educated neighbor has greater income and a larger home, I still could think that it is not unfair, and thus no sense of RD results.
Crosby (1976) brought into prominince individual RD and formulated individual RD. According to Crosby (1976,1982), relative deprivation has five important preconditions as follows:
a) The person compare to others who have X desired by individuals;
b) The person wants X;
c) The person feels entitled to X desired;
d) The person thinks that reasonable to obtain X;
e) The person does not blame himself/herself because does not having X.
Otherwise, Crosby is first theorist as wieving RD as an intervening variable rather than a hypothetical construct. She was also the first to formalize the relationship between the antecedent conditions of RD, behavioural dependent variables and the mediating variables.
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