The characteristics of Judaism such as the beliefs, ethics, rituals and ceremonies and sacred texts do have a major impact in many ways on the adherents and it provides a source of purpose and identity for individuals. It gives meaning and guidance in contemporary situations and therefore it is considered a dynamic, living religion.
Judaism is a monotheistic faith, meaning that Jews believe there is only One God. Often this God is beyond our ability to comprehend, but God is nevertheless present in our everyday lives. The covenant is an agreement the Jewish people have with their God. Jews believe that there is only one God, no other being participated in the work of creation and God is the only being to whom they offer praise. The terms of the covenant are summed up in the Ten Commandments that reveal adherents must have a respectful, obedient relationship with God and live harmoniously and respectfully with others. In return God will never abandon his Chosen people and God will provide salvation.
Jewish adherents ethical beliefs are derived from the 613 mitzvoth that Orthodox Jews believe were given to Moses on Mt. Sinai and taught to the Israelites as they travelled the desert to the Promised Land. Other variants believe they may have also been delivered to other divinely inspired people over time. The 248 positive and 365 negative commandments have been discussed and interpreted throughout the centuries by divinely inspired philosophers and rabbis so that they can provide guidance in every aspect of everyday life.
Sacred Texts
There are many sacred writings in Judaism, all of which teach Judaism's adherents how to live ethical and moral lives. The writings are a major source of the laws which regulate Jewish life. Jewish sacred writings are read and studied on an ongoing basis by believers. The Jewish holy book is the Tanakh, containing the Torah and the prophetic books. The Torah is the most holy book of Judaism. Torah, which