
Religion: Themes Of Egyptian Culture And Religion

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Through Egyptian culture and religion, various themes can be seen through various works of art such as The Story of Isis and Osiris, The Book of the Dead, and Palette of Narmer. Each of these show various theme through religion and culture; however, the most prominent themes are balance and resolution of contradictions. Both of these themes can be seen in both the day to day beliefs of the Egyptian people and their religious beliefs.

The first theme that will be discussed is the balance. In Egyptian culture, they enjoyed mostly uniform religious, political, and cultural balance. One example of this is through the balance of death and life that can be seen through The Story of Isis and Osiris. In this story, Osiris, Ruler of the underworld and god of the dead, was killed by his evil brother Set (Fiero). Set chopped up the body of his brother and threw it into the Nile river. Isis, Osiris loyal wife and Queen of Heaven, gathered the fragments out of the river and restored him. During this time, Isis also conceived a son with Osiris named Horus. Horus would then overthrow Set and become the ruler of Egypt (Fiero). This story shows the balance between life and death. It also shows the balance between good and evil and described the idea of resurrection.
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This deep sense of order is through the dependence Egyptians have on the Nile river. The Nile rivers annual overflow which left fertile layers of rich silt along the banks. This lead to the 365-day cycle of the rivers. This cycle became the basis for the solar calendar which created their deep sense of order (Fiero, The Humanistic Tradition, Volume I: Prehistory to the Early Modern World,

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