By: Madison Duffield Remus Lupin was a scraggly boy, he was only a half wizard but still quite impressive. His tangled, dark locks of hair always got in the way of his pale face. He was constantly reading about anything on defensive magic he could find, it was a wonder that he could retain all of that information, James always joked about. Though Remus seemed to be nothing more than a nerd, he had far more to him than what meets the eye. Ever since the beginning of their fifth year at Hogwarts, Remus turned into a ferocious, dangerous, and most of all hairy animal once a month. He was what was known in the wizarding world as a werewolf. Of course, Remus hadn't been born a werewolf, no. He had been …show more content…
His face had elongated and was now covered in hair. The boys could no longer tell the difference between their friend and what monster was laying before them. "He's a werewolf." The three boys whipped around at the sound of the nasally voice they all knew so well. A thin, greasy haired boy stood behind them, gazing menacingly down at Remus. "Well, well, well. Looks like Snivellus has been doing some reading," Sirius attempted some humor but it fell flat in the dry air. "He's never turned before, has he?" Snape's voice droned on next to the grunts and yelps of the half wizard lying on the ground. "He must be in a lot of pain, he hasn't turned completely yet but he will in, erm let's say five minutes... Are you all prepared for the disgusting beast he'll turn into?" For once, neither James or Sirius tried to make fun of Snape, they knew he was right. They had been so ignorant to the signs and didn't even think that Remus could have been a werewolf. James' voice broke through the agonizing silence, "We need to take him to the Forbidden Forest. He can't hurt anyone, well, human there." The boys all nodded along to James' words, knowing he was right. "Mobilicorpus." Remus' morphed body was once again raised off the ground and hoisted into the air as if by invisible …show more content…
While he was looking around at his surroundings, worried about the pairs of eyes he felt studying them as they walked, he tripped on a fallen branch near the edge of the bush. His spell broke and Remus was let loose on all of his fellow fifth years. Peter ran from the group as fast as his short legs could carry him, catching the attention of Remus. He looked behind himself to see his friend chasing after him, almost at his heels. Peter let out a strangled cry when he was tackled to the ground by the hairy beast Remus had become, landing with a hard thud. "Peter!" yelped James and Sirius at the same time, lunging at their friend to try and help him. Snape only rolled his eyes at the unnecessary struggle happening before him and howled a wolf-like sound. The animal among them looked at Snape with a glare that could've split through his skull, then, without a warning, it