It is my pleasure to be indebted to various people, who directly or indirectly contributed in the development of this work and who influenced my thinking, behaviour,and acts during the course of study.
I express my sincere gratitude to GAUTAM BUDH TECNICAL UNIVERSITY for providing me an opportunity to undergo summer training at INDIAN TELEPHONE INDUSTRIES LIMITED RAEBARELI.
I am thankful to Mr J.P.MISHRA (CM MARKETING) for his support, cooperation, and motivation provided to me during the training for constant inspiration, presence and blessings.
The guidance at each and every step provided by staff of marketing and other departments was also very helpful and can’t be forgotten.
I also extend my sincere appreciation to Mr Prabhat Dwivedi who provided his valuable suggestions and precious time in accomplishing my project report. Lastly,
I would like to thank the almighty and my parents for their moral support and my friends with whom I shared my day-to-day experience and received lots of suggestions that improved my quality of work.
I, vivek kumar verma, student of MBA 3rd Semester, step-hbti, kanpur, hereby declare that the summer training report on “.....................” submitted to Gautam Buddha technical university, lucknow in partial fulfillment of Degree of Master’s of Business
Administration is the original work conducted by me.
The information and data given in the report is authentic to the best of my knowledge.
This summer training report is not being submitted to any other University for award of any other Degree, Diploma and Fellowship.
Vivek kumar verma
Industry profile India's telecommunication network is the third largest in the world on the basis of its customer base and it has one of the lowest tariffs in the world enabled by the hyper-competition in its