Research 1
Throughout this assignment I intend to demonstrate an understanding and knowledge of research methodology. I will examine how research is used to support practice and policy. I will address research terminology and the roles and responsibilities of the researcher. Our group research project will be critically analysed. Kumar (2001) implies research is more than a set of skills. Research is a way of thinking and examining the various aspects of your day-to-day professional work, understanding and formulating guiding principles that govern a particular procedure. Research helps us to understand why things behave the way they do and why people act in a certain way. If carried out effectively, research can be imperative as it brings about change in policy and practice Burns (1972).
The two predominant methods of research are Quantitative and Qualitative research (Kumar,2001). These methods differ primarily in their analytical objective, the type of questions they pose and the different methods of data collection. The following definition, taken from Aliaga and Gunderson (2000,pg1), describes what we mean by quantitative research methods: Quantitative research is ‘Explaining phenomena by collecting numerical data that are analysed using mathematically based methods in particular statistics.’ (Muijs,2011) Quantitative research is also described as traditional or empirical research, meaning that it is based upon observation, experimentation and measurement (Lambert). Qualitative research is usually a more detailed form of research and cannot usually be expressed in terms of numbers. It often takes in to account people’s values, attitudes and opinions. The three most common qualitative research methods, are participant observation, in-depth interviews, and focus groups. Each method is particularly suited for obtaining a specific type of data. Lambert (2010, pg 256)
References: Barlette & Burton , S & D (2012) Researching education . London: Sage. Bell, J (2005) Doing your Research Project . 4th ed. Berkshire: Open University Press. Cohen, L., Manion, L., & Morrison, K. (2011) Research Methods in Education . 7th ed. Oxon: Routledge. Early Childhood Australia (2010) Code of Ethics literature review [Online] Available at [Accessed 25 November 2013] Kumar, R (2011) Research Methodology Lambert, E.B (2003) Introducing Research to Early Childhood Students. Australia : Social Science Press. Weatherall, S. (2013) Research terms, MOD001251 Research 1 . [Print] Anglia Ruskin University, Unpublished.