The achilles tendon is about six centimeters long. There are two different types of achilles tendonitis, both are based off of which part of the tendon is inflamed. Noninsertional achilles tendonitis damages the fibers in the middle of the achilles tendon. The fibers start to break down with small tears and the whole tendon swells. This type of achilles tendonitis affects mainly younger and more active people. The second type is Insertional Achilles Tendonitis. …show more content…
Some of the risk factors that can cause achilles tendonitis occur most commonly in men and more it becomes even more common as you age. If you have a naturally flat arch in your foot it can put more strain on the achilles tendon, which can lead to the tendonitis. Obesity can also increase the achilles tendon strain. If you run in worn-out shoes or on hilly terrain it can put extra pressure on your foot and cause your achilles tendon to strain and doing it enough will wear down the tendon and cause you to get achilles tendonitis.
Preventing achilles tendonitis can be very hard because it is very common for an athlete to be doing some of these risks. Such as doing high intensity activity all at once instead of increasing the activity level gradually. Not avoiding activities that place excess stress on your tendons, such as hill running. If you participate in a strenuous activity, always make sure to warm up first by exercising at a slower pace. If you notice pain during a particular exercise, stop and rest. The shoes you wear while exercising should support the arch in your foot and cushion the entire foot. Stretching daily can also help to prevent