Nurture is the combination of all the life experiences a person lives through. A human being only starts off with an empty brain until experiences kick in, for example, "John Locke believed in what is known as tabula rasa, which suggests that the mind begins as a blank slate. According to this notion, everything that we are and all of our knowledge is determined by our experience." (Cherry, Kendra: "What Is Nature Versus Nurture?"). The state of mind regulates a person's personality. All the experiences add up to make us more intelligent and careful in this world. Nurture is required in order for us to become more intelligent and allow us to know what kind of action we need to take. …show more content…
Nature is all of the genes and hereditary factors that influence who we are.
Evolution really does shape us into whatever we are predisposed to becoming, for instance, "Fraternal twins--who share roughly 50% of their genes--to those of identical twins--who share 100% of their genes. In these early twin studies, very consistent effects emerged that suggested one thing: when it comes to personality, genes matter." (Kraus, Michael: "Do Genes Influence Personality?"). It is true of genes influencing our personality. For example, me and my brother have identical personalities, we like and dislike common things. Nature definitely has some kind of power in
Both Nature and Nurture possess strong powers, but determining which one is more powerful is the question. Without the effects of genetics, all humans would be very identical in personality because we would all influence each other without any foundation backing us up. Even though our environment is very different from the environment that existed hundreds of years ago, we share common actions and mistakes. However, even though nature does make us part in our traits, we still manage to be impacted by the environment more severely. The environment of today has been influenced by all the experiences of the past which in return effects us in one way or another.
In conclusion, the truth is that the effects of nurture are more firm than the effects of nature. Nurture shapes us from the beginning of our time to the end of our time. We grow through it daily, every action and consequence that we experience shapes our personality. Even though Nature is our foundation of personality, it is easily beaten by our experience. Therefore, Nurture is the dominant power in our personalities.