Procurement plays an important role in the supply chain management and good procurement management can shorten the production cycle, improve the production efficiency, reduce inventory and strengthen the emergency ability to the market. Nowadays, procurement management has captured the attention of many high-level executives while it is always overlooked by many small-sized businesses.
This research paper will show either similarities or differences or both with the purchase situations we studied in our organizations with the support of three case studies and three research articles. In the first section, we will have a comparative analysis of three academic research papers in terms of literature survey, methodology used for research, and findings and conclusions of the studies. In the second section, we will combine the three case studies and three small business organizations we surveyed in assignment 1 to discuss the implication of the studies.
Key word: procurement, small organization
Nowadays, procurement management has captured the attention of many high-level executives while it is always overlooked by many small-sized businesses. This research paper will show either similarities or differences or both with the purchase situations we studied in our organizations with the support of three case studies and three research articles.
In this paper, firstly we will have a comparative analysis of three academic research papers in terms of literature survey, methodology used for research, and findings and conclusions of the studies. Then, we will discuss the implication of the above studies to the selected cases and in all the organizations.
Comparative Analysis
For the purpose to have a more thorough implication and indication to the three real cases, three academic research papers have been selected to be discussed and analyzed comparatively, in terms of literature survey; methodology used for research; and findings and
Bibliography: 1. David Sanghera, Jerry Hwang, Matt Gaskins et al, ‘Procurement Risk Management in Hewlett-Packard Company’, Council of Supply Chain Management Professionals 2. Eon-Kyung Lee, Sungdo Ha & Sheung-Kown Kim, 2001, ‘Supplier Selection and Management System Considering Relationships in Supply Chain Management’, IEEE Transportations on Engineering Management, VOL.48, NO.3 3. Leenders, M. R. and Feeron H. E. 1998, Procurement Management, 11th Edition 4. Lisper, T.L., Fugate, B.S. & Davis. Sramek, B., 2007, “Logistics learning capability: sustaining the competitive advantage gained through logistics leverage”, Journal of Business Logistics, vol.28, 2, pp57-82 5. Lysons, K. and Farrington, B. 2006, Purchasing and Supply Chain Management, Prentice Hall, Seventh Edition. 6. Monczka, R. Trent, R. and Handfield, R. 2005, Purchasing and Supply Chain Management, Thomson South Western, Third Edition.