Although an estimated 85.5% of American households were considered food secure in 2010,about 48.8 million people weren’t (Andrews et al.). These households struggled with being ableto access proper and enough food for the members of their home to have healthy growth anddevelopment. In the proposed study, I seek to assess the degree to which households in SoutheastSan Diego are food secure by measuring their level of access to healthy foods. Results will placehouseholds on a continuum developed by the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA)to have high, marginal, low, or very low food security compiled by the USDA EconomicResearch Service and listed in Appendix A. The access to food I will be focusing on is theproximity to sufficient grocery stores. I will be assessing the sufficiency of grocery stores inproviding healthy food options, the availability of supermarkets, and geographical limitations toaccessing these goods (such as transportation). By using research tools of surveys, interviews,online databases, and mapping, I will be able to assessa household’s accessto healthy foods anddetermine the number of households and members in these households who have low access tohealthy foods. The household interview in Appendix B will be analyzed to find trends of needsand suggestions for ways to improve the community. The survey of grocery stores in AppendixC will be analyzed independently to find possible trends of the availability and unavailability of certain food products. By also assessing the general racial/ethnic demographics of Southeast SanDiego, I will be able to study how the degree of food access may disproportionately affect peopleof color. A second part to this research must be conducted to study the affordability of
References: “Food Access & Affordability.” Food Research and Action Center. 2010. Access online3/17/2012: “ .” SANDAG Census Profile (2000) (Compiled by the Economic Research Service, USDA, July 2008) Summary: