When I had my children, I taught them the same way my parents taught me, on how to respect their elders, and why. I never had any problems teaching my children how to respect, not only their elders, but how to respect everyone. We need to keep up with the tradition of respect, because so many people are so ignorant with each other, I'd just turn away because I know if I stay and listen, I'll say something to these little devils for being so mean to anyone and everyone.
My son, now has a son that is 11 years old, and if he is caught making fun of anyone, then he has his father to answer[pic] to, and is made to apologize to the person that he has made fun of, whether it be another child or a grownup.
Respect is something that has slipped through the cracks of time, and I think it is time to bring it back into our youth. These young people today are so rude to everyone, not just their elders around them, that I'd like to smack them myself, and I don't even know them from Adam. It just makes me so mad to see how some of the elderly are treated today, and I don't know what to do about it, but is sure makes me sick.
For our young children to respect anyone they have to be taught right from the start, when they are growing up. It's not something that can be taught after they are grown up, because they have never learned the meaning of the word respect. It so sad, that in today's society, you see some of the things that are going on with everybody, not only our elderly, but anyone around them. There is no respect in this world today and that's just so sad.