Frozen is a computer-animated musical story produced Walt Disney Animations and released by Walt Disney Pictures. The story is loosely based on Hans Andersen’s story, ‘The Snow Queen’. In summary, the animated musical revolves around the relationship of two sisters; Elsa and Anna who are both princesses of a kingdom. After the revelation of Elsa’s hidden powers, she seeks refuge in the mountains but not before causing an eternal winter to happen. Anna, the younger sister, tries to find her and convince her to go back with the help of Kristoff, an orphan living with a reindeer. Kristen Bell plays Anna while Idina Menzel plays the role of Elsa. Both are prominent musical singers. Actors also include, Jonathan Groff, Josh Gad and Santino Fontana
One of the first aspects of the movie that you will notice is the musical score. Even in the beginning, there is already show of potential with their opening music. In my opinion, it resembles the opening theme of Lion King, and that has always sent shivers up my spine. The first song is a powerful one, bringing the audience to a sort of captivation with the movie. The next songs are wonderfully written as well. Everything coincides with the specific emotion that the scene is portraying. I would like to give emphasis to the song “Do You Wanna Build a Snowman?” for it is a song that marked me. This song shows the relationship between the two sisters and how it has been changed by Elsa’s powers. Here you have a song that begins innocently and with a child-like energy but will leave you crying in the end. It is one of those 3-mminute scenes that would break your heart, and I think that Disney has made this a must in every movie. Another song that has left such an impact to the audience is Idina Menzel’s ‘Let it Go’. Idina showcases her very powerful voice in this song which is appropriate for the song exhibits freedom and independence. Although some may argue that her voice does not suit well the