Section I: Characteristics and classification of living organisms
1. Characteristics of living organisms 2. Classification and diversity of living organisms 2.1 Concept and use of a classificatory system 2.2 Adaptations of organisms to their environment 3. Simple Keys
Section II: Organisation and maintenance of the organism
1. Cell structure and organisation 2. Levels of organisation 3. Size of specimens 4. Movement in and out of cells 4.1 Diffusion 4.2 Active transport 4.3 Osmosis 5. Enzymes 6. Nutrition 6.1 Nutrients 6.2 Plant nutrition 6.2.1 Photosynthesis 6.2.2 Leaf structure 6.2.3 Mineral requirements 6.3 Animal nutrition 6.3.1 Diet 6.3.2 Food supply 6.3.3 Human alimentary canal 6.3.4 Mechanical and physical digestion 6.3.5 Chemical digestion 6.3.6 Absorption 6.3.7 Assimilation 7. Transportation 7.1 Transport in plants 7.1.1 Water uptake 7.1.2 Transpiration 7.1.3 Translocation 7.2 Transport in humans 7.2.1 Heart 7.2.2 Arteries, veins and capillaries 7.2.3 Blood 8. Respiration 8.1 Aerobic respiration 8.2 Anaerobic respiration
8.3 Gas exchange 9. Excretion in humans 10. Coordination and response 10.1 Nervous control in humans 10.2 Hormones 10.3 Tropic responses 10.4 Homeostasis 10.5 Drugs
Section III: Development of the organism and the continuity of life
1. Reproduction 1.1 Asexual reproduction 1.2 Sexual reproduction 1.2.1 Sexual reproduction in plants 1.2.2 Sexual reproduction in humans 1.3 Sex hormones 1.4 Methods of birth control 1.5 Sexually transmissible diseases 2. Growth and development 3. Inheritance 3.1 Chromosome 3.2 Mitosis 3.3 Meiosis 3.4 Monohybrid inheritance 3.5 Variation 3.6 Selection 3.7 Genetic engineering
Section IV: Relationships of organisms with one another and with their environment
1. Energy flow 2. Food chains and food webs 3. Nutrient cycles 4. Population size 5. Human influences on the ecosystem 5.1 Agriculture 5.2 Pollution 5.3 Conservation