What is a paragraph? A paragraph is a group of sentences that are all about one specific idea. It should begin with a topic sentence, that is, a sentence which addresses the subject of the paragraph. The other sentences in the paragraph should supply information that helps to explain the topic.
How long should a paragraph be? There is no set length for a paragraph, but, generally, three full sentences are considered the minimum, and half a page is considered the maximum.
What are the kinds of paragraph?
Narrative paragraphs/essays are often a chronological (make contain flashbacks) presentation of events that add up to a story. Paragraphs of this type contain protagonist and an antagonist, setting, conflict and resolution. They often contain a lot of description, but this is not essential.
Descriptive types of paragraphs/essays are written in such a way that the reader is able to imagine the scene, object, person, etc. Series of detailed observations are recorded, using sensory language. Descriptions are like narrative paragraphs, with visual characteristics unfolding in a dramatized way. The main objective of a description is to move the story ahead.
Definition type of paragraphs/essays, provide meaning about a topic, using events and happenings. A strong effort should be made to clearly explain what something is, rather than what it is not.
The objective of paragraphs/essays written in the comparison style is to compare, two or more objects, characters, events, etc. Two types of comparison are used-a point by point comparison or a topic by topic comparison.
A persuasive paragraph/essay is used in editorials, essays and columns. A direct approach is the best in writing a persuasive paragraph. The objective of a persuasive paragraph is to persuade people to change their minds, or take