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value: 0.00 Does Not Meet Standard value: 1.00 Minimally Competent value: 2.00 Competent value: 3.00 Highly Competent value: 4.00 Score/Level
Articulation of Response (clarity, organization, mechanics) The candidate provides unsatisfactory articulation of response. The candidate provides weak articulation of response. The candidate provides limited articulation of response. The candidate provides adequate articulation of response. The candidate provides substantial articulation of response.
A1. Environmental Considerations and Recommendations The candidate does not develop a social responsibility strategy for the chosen client that includes an environmental considerations and recommendations component. The candidate develops a social responsibility strategy for the chosen client that includes an environmental considerations and recommendations component, with no detail. The candidate develops a social responsibility strategy for the chosen client that includes an environmental considerations and recommendations component, with limited detail. The candidate develops a social responsibility strategy for the chosen client that includes an environmental considerations and recommendations component, with adequate detail. The candidate develops a social responsibility strategy for the chosen client that includes an environmental considerations and recommendations component, with substantial detail.
A2. Ethical Leadership Considerations The candidate does not develop a social responsibility strategy for the chosen client that includes ethical leadership considerations and recommendations. The candidate develops a social responsibility strategy for the chosen client that includes ethical leadership considerations and recommendations with no detail. The candidate develops a social responsibility strategy for the chosen client that includes ethical leadership considerations and