Baltic Sea Region Studies
The concept of material issues is no longer dominating in the international relations. Non material construction of the international relations can be a referent object of for the foreign policy and can form international relations. One of the main aspects of the nonmaterial is the notion of identity which became as the one of the major issues in the formation of the relations. Many states faced to reshape their identity in the end XX century to form their foreign policy goals. The attempts to split usage of the identity from the international relations are very difficult. Main theoretical aspect which reflects the notion of the identity is mainly based on the social constructivism idea. Wendt mentions the importance of the socially construction of the international relations “International Relations is a social construction rather than existing independent of human meaning and action” (Wendt 1996). Though, I agree with that identity does not directly affect foreign policy but held it that identity led understanding of the interests and interests drive to the political actions. Identity appeared to have importance in international relations. Thought at the end of the XX century identity became as one of the referring points in foreign policy. Construction of the identity affects the needs of the state which tend to pursue politics according to this needs. Selecting the topic as the “Role of identity in Russian-Estonian relations and how Russian speaking minority plays role in this relations” my aim is to discuss the importance of the identity issue in international relations and further I will examine the identity narratives in Estonia and Russia also will determine the role of the Russian speaking minority in Estonia and how it may become as conflict inter-state
Bibliography: Alexander Wendt (1995) Constructing international politics" in International Security, vol. 20, no. 1, Alexander Wendt (1994) Collective identity formation and the international state" in American Political Science Review, vol Alexander Wendt. (1999) Social Theory of International Politics Cambridge University Press, Oct 7, p 429 Andrew C Anton Steen (2010): National Elites and the Russian Minority Issue. Does EU–NATO Integration Matter?, Journal of European Integration, 32:2, 193-212 Bozdağlıoğlu Viatcheslav Morozov (2008) Sovereignty and democracy in contemporary Russia: a modern subject faces the post-modern world Journal of International Relations and Development 11, 152–180.