Tenure is classed as ‘The legal relationship between the resident and the home they inhabit’.…
USE & OCCUPANCY OF PREMISES. The Tenant agrees to use the Premises for Residential purposes only and for no other purpose and not to allow the Prtemises to be occupied or otherwise used by anyone other than the Tenant and the following persons listed below:…
N.B. Your assessor may wish to ask you some questions relating to this activity. Ensure they are recorded in the…
Cost of Living Project Accuracy and Detail of Information: (0-15 points each) Final Page Apartment Food Entertainment Neatness (0-10 points) * Typed or neatly written, use of tables, correct order. Answers (0-15 points) * Based on thoroughness & complete sentences.…
In this assignment I will be explaining how one piece of legislation, one relevant policy and one relevant code of practice could be applied to planning support.…
To promote the development of services which would enable people to live in their own homes…
Here I am about to explain my understanding of the Laws and Legislations that I work within my role as a Manager at ******Lodgings. At Supported Lodgings we provide a homely environment in a care setting staffed 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, however in saying that, we offer support rather than care to Young People leaving care generally aged between 16-19yrs of age about to move onto their own independence.…
Trainers and assessors will support me to complete extra training I may take on; relevant to my role. Social services will support me to ensure all my knowledge of paperwork in relation to our clients/ tenants is up to date and in-keeping with legislation and standards. CQC will offer me support through their website; keeping updates to legislation and standards available. A CQC inspector will produce a report once my house is inspected; this will allow me to make improvements on any recommendations made.…
operations, while also providing an overview of the complete scope of care and shelter services.…
Harvard Real Estate Services (HRES) conducted a survey, which related to students housing experience and desires in 2001. The ample of feedbacks that supported and improved Harvard’s housing decision-making. In front of HRES, there are newly 2005 housing survey related Harvard’s “ Allston initiative” on the desk. HRES wants to update, improve and expand upon the 2001 survey to generate useful information to influence future house design and marketing decisions.…
The institution infrastructure will be subject for evaluation to meet that may be require to provide subdivision housing cells for…
This act is mainly to control, giving license for the business of housing development in Peninsular Malaysia, protection of the interest of purchasers and for matters connected herewith. This act was enacted on 1966 and has been revised for the first time on 16 August 1973. There are 7 parts in the act.…
Whether a building has to be constructed, or rented, or improved, or expanded, certain factors, which are of vital…
In our very first major plate, we were asked to design a residential building with 2 bedrooms each with a bathroom, a servant’s quarters, service area, a patio, a carport, front porch and all other necessary rooms in a residential building.…
Planning Commission Approach paper to the 12th Five Year Plan for 2012-17 Tendulkar Committee Report N C Saxena Committee Report Chronic Poverty Report World Bank 32 % (2009) 37% (2009) 50% (2009) 37% (2004-05) 41.5% (2005)…