Roles of HRM
Pepper K. Metoyer
Grantham University
Function 1: Manpower planning
It has been proven that there are penalties for not being correctly staffed. When a company is either understaffed, or overstaffed, it can become costly, as well as detrimental to the welfare of the company and its employers, and employees. a. Understaffing can have a company lose its business economy, specialization, orders, customers and profits. b. Overstaffing can be wasteful as well as expensive for the company/ business. If sustained, overstaffing will be costly to eliminate because of today’s work ethic, and financial and salary cap. Very importantly, overstaffing reduces the competitive efficiency of the business.
When planning an assessment at staff level this will require present and future needs of the company to be compared with present resources and future predicted resources. Once all company options, and company planning, have been made, this will evolve into further planning for recruitment, training, retraining, labor reductions, early retirement and redundancy or even changes in the workforce. This will also bring supply and demand into play, not just as a once and a while exercise, but a continuing workforce planning exercise.
Function 2: Recruitment and selection of employees
Recruitment of staff should be done by analyzing the job to be done like for instance an analytical study of the work to be performed to determine all correct and essential factors that are written into the job description so that the selectors know what physical and mental characteristics applicants must possess, and what qualities and attitudes are desired and what characteristics are a decided disadvantage;
In the case of replacement of staff is and can be a critical question of the need to recruit at all. While, replacement of employees should never be an automatic process, at times it can be called for, and or necessary. However, there