Incoftech - 2013
An International Conference On Food Technology
January 4 & 5, 2013
Food Processing Technologies –
Challenges & Solutions for Sustainable Food Security
IICPT, Thanjavur, Tamil Nadu, India
P reamble
Mankind will soon be facing the greatest challenge to feed the increased world population. Depleting inputs in agriculture such as water, land and quality seeds along with the need to cut down on chemicals for plant production and protection will cause great stress on our food production systems. Unprecedented population growth and poverty in most developing countries will result in insufficient food supplies to more than half of the world population. India is in a much better situation than most countries in the world in terms of agricultural production. We stand first or second in the production of most crops in the world. Abundant sunlight, sufficient rainfall, perennial rivers, varied agroclimatic zones, warm and long marine landings, and fertile soils have helped India reach self sufficiency from gross insufficiencies at the time of Independence and till the onset of the first green revolution in the early seventies.
Though we are self sufficient food supplies, the availability of foods for most people, particularly the economically weaker sections, is far from sufficient. This is due to poor post harvest management. Distribution to remote markets requires increased shelf life of the perishable produce. Non-availability of suitable post harvest processing, preservation and value addition technologies result in great losses in the post harvest system causing poor food distribution to most people in India. Food Security for India's weaker sections means effectively saving and managing the foods and making them available in remote domestic markets. This will not only make more foods available for domestic consumption, but will also help us to increase our export potential. The economic status of producers will