
Roman Sports Essay

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Roman Sports Essay
Roman Sports and the Lasting Impacts Sports are some of the most entertaining and widely recognized events in the entire world. They bring together people of all cultures and backgrounds and unite them under the power of sheer spectacle and entertainment. Some of the most popular sporting events in present day were inspired by the Ancient Romans. These include American football, wrestling, horseracing, gymnastics, and boxing. The spectacle drawn from sporting events from the unique, insatiable, and demanding wants of audiences in Ancient Rome. The Roman Empire was one of the greatest civilizations in human history. It stretched from Western Europe to Asia, and even reached North Africa. Due to its immense size, many assimilated into Roman …show more content…
Be it participating in the sport in question, or watching it in person or on television, we still find sports to be one of the most entertaining events we can be involved in. If one is exceptionally talented at a particular sport, that person could turn it into a full time career. Of course, the odds show it is highly unlikely, but millions of people still attempt to reach the big time. As previously mentioned, sports can release us from the troubles of everyday life. If one is experiencing a hard breakup, poor grades, or just a forgettable course of events, sports are there to cheer them up. Nothing makes or breaks the lives of sports players and fans alike more than whether their teams do well. This win or lose mentality of athletes and fans alike drives our competitive nature, which is important for today’s society. We are not handed participation awards for showing up. To meet a goal, people have to realize that there will be obstacles, and they have to put in 100% effort to achieve them. Otherwise, there will be no incentives. Sometimes, the incentives can make something worthwhile. If everyone won a trophy, then the feeling would not be special when the trophy is given. The point made is that sports feed our drive to be the best we can possibly be, because when we achieve our goals, and are rewarded for our hard work, it can be one of the happiest moments a person could ever

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