Significant Awards/ Honors 1. National High School Honors Society 2. Mu Alpha Theta (Math Honor Society) 3. Top 20 of Your Class 4. 2nd Place in Physics Team Competition 5. 1st Place Math Team Competition 6. 2nd Place Best Robotics Competition 7. “A-B” Honor Roll 8. No Tardy Award
Essay (A) The Pre-Engineering Academy is most significant to me because it is allowing me to see exactly what I will be doing in college for my career. Someday I hope to receive a bachelor’s degree in Mechanical Engineering and then further my education with getting a bachelor’s degree in Architecture and receive my masters in Mechanical Engineering. The academy has brought me to realize just how hard becoming an engineer can be. Between deadlines and working in a group, I cannot tell which should be considered worse. Working in groups is not that bad, although the communication between everyone is. Making sure every single person has a clear understanding of what is supposed to be happening can cause the most trouble. Asking a person over and over again will not get you anywhere; some people are shy and just refuse to say anything while the people that are outgoing and could care less about talking to stranger will not hush. The question “Do you understand?” is rhetorical. You never know until you actually start. The Engineering Academy has opened my mind to