If it is to the right or left of the decimal point. After establishing the decimal is to the right, ask which number is in the tenth place. The students can circle the number five as a reminder to which is the tenth. The educator should ask the children what number should be looked at to decide if the number five should stay the same or rounded up. This is the step where children may be confused and give the wrong answer. Some of the children may look at the mixed number, 17.54 and decide that the number five should be rounded up because of the seven. This is a common
If it is to the right or left of the decimal point. After establishing the decimal is to the right, ask which number is in the tenth place. The students can circle the number five as a reminder to which is the tenth. The educator should ask the children what number should be looked at to decide if the number five should stay the same or rounded up. This is the step where children may be confused and give the wrong answer. Some of the children may look at the mixed number, 17.54 and decide that the number five should be rounded up because of the seven. This is a common