He reported that in an average week he will isolate from his family about 4-5 times, where he will become frustrated and irritable that he has to stay away from the children to calm down.
He stated, "I hate my kids to see me like that." SM reported that outside of his family he does not interact with other friends. He stated, "I don't want friends. I just don't want nobody close to me." In describing a typical day he said that he gets up in the morning, and makes sure that the kids make the bus to school, after which he cleans house and waits for the kids to come back from school and He tries to be involved in his children's activities such as sports and school. He stated, "I try to be a dad. “He reported that there are times when he can become easily irritable with all of his children and explained that he can become a little more irritable with his youngest child. He stated, "They know my moods and when I need to be left alone." Talking about his connection with his family he stated, "I know my wife and kids are there and I love them but I just don't feel
it." b. Relevant Occupational and Educational History: SFC Martinez reported that he has not had a job since being placed on TDRL and, after being medically retired he went to vocational rehabilitation and has been doing online classes through CTC and Texas A&M Killeen, working toward a bachelor's degree in finance. He noted that he is currently taking two classes and has approximately 3 years to complete his degree. SM also explained that he has tried to go to a few on campus classes but indicated that it was difficult for him due to difficulty with concentration in the classroom and his problems with sleep apnea for which he cannot drive. He stated, "I rarely drive. I can't." He noted that he is currently going through testing due to symptoms of narcolepsy.