All schools should have their own safeguarding policy in place as well as Borough councils. The Borough councils safeguarding policies should ensure that all of their departments and agencies that work with children, work together to ensure the welfare and safety of the children and young people within it's area.
The basic principles of safeguarding states …show more content…
Our school policy on safeguarding is as follows;
All of our employees, volunteers and agencies that work for us outside of the school are CRB checked(criminal records bureau).
All of the above should be trained by a professional and be aware of current safeguarding legislation. Refresher training should be available to practitioners to ensure understanding of abuse or neglect. Good working relationships must be held with outside agencies to ensure competence in all protection situations.
A procedure is in place for to refer to should and incident arise relating to the basic principles of the safeguarding policy as detailed above. The policy states that we must make a written report of exactly what has been said, including any diagrams if necessary to include the date and time of the incident. This should then be reported to the Head Teacher to file and keep confidential and act upon should this be necessary.
The Head would not breach confidentiality unless absolutely necessary. Personal information concerning a child would only be shared on a need to know basis. If a child discloses information and asks for this not to be repeated, it is essential for the staff member to inform the child of their duty to transfer information to the appropriate people, in order for the child to be