“Saiban Kissan Society” is a registered organization, working with miniature farmers since 2010 in “Doaba Allah Daadi”, Multan. The society consists of 24 members from 11 different villages. The core objective of “Saiban” is to draw a link between the small farmers and the line departments in order to solve their problems. Doaba foundation along with Oxfam Novib’s support, facilitated “Saiban” to understand the relevant policies and compare those with the existing practices. The policies comprise of wheat procurement, wheat pricing and agricultural loaning. As the farmers reviewed the policies, they found that they were not in accordance with the current policy, as it did not cater to female farmers nor did they have any effective strategy for participation of small farmers in the wheat procurement centre management committee.
“Saiban” contacted other farmer societies, associations and forums in the area to analyze their findings. They developed a strategy as to devise a way to raise their issues. They met with various government officials, local members of the parliament both provincial and national and conducted press conferences. Their issues are well highlighted by the local media. After a 6 months struggle, the Deputy Secretary of the Food Department of Punjab issued a letter on 5th April 2012, titled: “facilitation of women farmers” and asked the director of food to pertain special measures for both male and female small farmers all over Punjab which resulted in changes in the current policy.
Naveed Bibi, an active member of the Saiban Kissan Society whose also small farmer cultivating 5 acres of land. She said “I am a small farmer who grows wheat. As the local market system does not encourage women farmers to sell directly to the food department, I have to sell it to a middle man who comes to my house and provides a lesser amount of sale price. Now I can sell my excessive wheat directly to the food department at