STU# 1203102031
This case discusses the challenges that BLOM Bank is facing such as the initial selection criteria. Also the development programs for high performers staff inside the bank. BLOM Bank internal training and development programs are based in one method of training that is instructor-led training only.
1. The initial selection is based on two elements education background and work experience only. “Selection is based primarily on education background and work experience”.
2. BLOM Bank is significantly targeting the high performers staff in the two internal development programs and misses others as medium or lower performance. “Management training program MTP targets high performers in the branches” also “The fast-track program FTP targets high performers across all departments”
3. The internal training and development category in BLOM Bank is based in one training program that is instructor-led training by experience staff. “Internal training includes professional and field expertise from BLOM Bank”
1. The initial selection criterion is based only in the educational background and work experience. Academic degrees do not measure all the required skills and abilities needed to perform a certain job. Initial selection criteria should not ignore other factors as talent, intelligent, skills and abilities of candidates. Also it should take in consideration achievement of the candidate in prior job.
2. The MTP and FTP programs of BLOM Bank are great opportunity for high performers in the bank to improve their own skills and abilities’. But how about other staff with medium or low performance bank did not give them the chance to have such opportunity due to their performance appraisals. Bank should strengths the weaknesses of these staff in order to become more productive and be able to join these two programs.
3. Internal training programs should not use one training method it