Performance Standards, Assessment Tasks, Assessment Plans, and Scoring Guides.
Performance assessment tasks are designed to validate a student's competence. They serve as the tool for evaluating a specific competency or set of competencies, allowing the student to demonstrate master. You've already written performance standards for your competencies, and now its time to put them to work! The performance assessment task and accompanying plan provides the documentation upon which the student's final credential is awarded. In this learning plan you will create performance assessment tasks, plans, and scoring guides for your curriculum project.
Target Competency
Create performance assessment tasks Linked Core Abilities Communicate effectively Think critically and creatively You will demonstrate your competence: o by creating a performance assessment task for at least one competency. Your performance will be successful when: o assessment task targets one or more competencies. o assessment task is titled. o assessment task includes context and location. o assessment task includes assessment strategy or format. o assessment task includes clear directions to the student. o assessment task includes complete directions for the evaluator. o assessment task includes a scoring guide checklist or rubric. o scoring guide includes appropriate criteria. o scoring guide includes a rating scale and key. o scoring guide includes grading standard. Learning Objectives a. DETERMINE the components of a performance assessment task. b. APPLY the seven types of criteria to the decision of what criteria to include in the assessment task. c. APPLY the steps to develop performance conditions. d. APPLY the steps to develop performance condition statements. e. UNDERSTAND the concepts of validity, reliability, and fairness. f. APPLY the seven