RUNNING HEAD: Yes, it will say, “Running head: . . . .”, but only on the first page. Use an abbreviated form of the title (not exceeding 50 characters, which will include spaces). The abbreviated title is in capital letters. This will appear in the top left corner of every page PAGE NUMBERS: A page number will appear on every page in the top right corner of every page.
All elements in the dotted boxes are not visible on your final paper.
Essay title. Try to keep it under 12 words in length and avoid using abbreviations.
Sample APA Paper for Students Learning APA Style Your Name The Name of the Course
This information is centered (left to right), double spaced, and can start in the upper half of the page. On the title page, as well as the entire paper, use font Times New Roman size 12. Double space your paper
1 in. Margin.
Your Instructor’s Name The Date
1 in. Margin.
Revised Jan 2010
1 in. Margin.
SAMPLE APA PAPER FOR STUDENTS Sample APA Paper for Students Learning APA Style
Essay’s title.
For this class, an abstract (a summary of your whole paper) is NOT required for any papers. If you were required to have an abstract, you would add it before this part of your paper, and the abstract would be your second page.
The first part of your paper is the introduction. Head this section with the title of your paper; do not use the heading Introduction. This part of your paper should grab your reader’s attention, develops the background, and states the purpose and rationale of the paper, and answers the question, “What is the point of this paper?” At the end of your introduction include a sentence stating the purpose of your research (your thesis statement). While some instructors may have different requirements, in this class, do not use “I” in you introduction. Section 2.05 of the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (APA Publication Manual) will give you
References: - not bolded or underlined 3. The reference page is on a separate page from the rest of the text. 4. Each citation employs a hanging indent, which means the first line is flush against the left margin and each subsequent line per citation is indented by 5–7 spaces or ½ inch. To create a hanging indent in Word 2007, perform the following steps (Note. There are other ways to do this): a. Type your citations as normal and select/highlight them all. b. Right-click on the selection with your mouse and select “Paragraphs...” from the contextual menu. c. Setup the “Indentation” section as illustrated: Journal article d. Click “OK” to complete. e. Be sure that the first line is flush and that all lines are double-spaced. 5. 6. 7. 8. Note that for author’s, you include their last names and first initials only For most types of sources the year only goes in parenthesis after the author’s name(s) n.d. is used to mean no date when there is no date available for a source you used For Titles, capitalize the first word of the title and any proper nouns - all other words of the title are in lowercase