Good day! I am Allyn Mae “Ally” B. Espinosa, a senior student at Seven Pillars Catholic School, I am inviting you to be part of my research entitled “The Philippine Gay Community: Distinctive Culture and Derogation” which studies about the distinctive Gay culture, how they can triumph against stigma and derogation, and why they are degraded in the Philippine Community. I need your help by filling up two pages of written questions candidly and honestly. My chances of graduating highs school lies in your hands, please answer these questions completely, accurately and honestly. Your answers are also very significant in the completion of my study, thank you for your kind cooperation.
________________________________ ________________________________ Ms. Cindy Mabilog Allyn Mae B. Espinosa Thesis Adviser/ Principal Seven Pillars Catholic School
Pseudonym: __________________________________________________________________________
Gender:____________________________________ Age:_______ Citizenship: ____________________
Profession (If Working):_______________________ Company (If Working):________________________
Course (If Studying)___________________________ School (If Studying): _________________________
Please CHECK the circles honestly: 1. Educational Attainment:
a. Elementary Level b. High School c. College Diploma d. Masteral e. Undergraduate