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SA Semester 2 Examination 2013/2014
Sample Paper 1 : Object Oriented Analysis and Design
Appendix B
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SA Semester 2 Examination 2013/2014 (Sample Paper 1 – Appendix B)
Graduate Diploma in Systems Analysis
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SA Semester 2 Examination 2013/2014 (Sample Paper 1 – Appendix B)
Graduate Diploma in Systems Analysis
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Use Case : Update Employee Profile
A list of all employees will be displayed in the gridbox. Only one employee can be selected at any one time.
“Details…” button will be greyed out when no employee is selected. When clicked it will pop up an display the modal window EmployeeDetailsUI.
“Delete” button will be greyed out when no employee is selected. When clicked it will pop up an alert(Yes/No) window informing the user that the highlighted employee will be deleted from the system and check if the user (adminstrator) wants to proceed. If “Yes” proceed to delete the highlighted employee and remove employee from gridbox. If “no” to close
Alert window.
“Add New” button when clicked will display the modal window
SA Semester 2 Examination 2013/2014 (Sample Paper 1 – Appendix B)
Graduate Diploma in Systems Analysis
Page 4 of 4
Use Case : Update Employee Profile
EmployeeDetailsUI (modal)
If it is for an existing employee, this screen will show the employee’s details.
If it is for a new employee then all the details will be blank. Employee can be assigned more than one role.
Employee can only have one default role, and it must be one of his assigned roles.
Reset button will change the Login Password to be the same as the Login Name. The administrator cannot directly enter the password in the textbox.
For a new employee, the Login Password will be the same as the Login Name