Political Science
Major Contemporary
In a democratic system, it is quite common that people use different methods for expressing
solidarity and achieving political power. In a country like India, politics has been dominated by promoting communalism and castism. The social diversities and disparities in our country are understood in terms of the existence of many groups linked to a caste or religion.
Tensions have prevailed for long among them due to suspicion, economic deprivation and social dissemination. Playing up these factors and pitting one group against another describes the politics of communalism and castism. These trends have vitiated not only the democratic process at the time of election, but have also become serious obstacles to good governance, economic development and social harmony. For upliftment of the backward and downtrodden classes, provision has been made for reservation.
In this lesson, we will understand the use of caste and religious identity, its significance and also effects on Indian political system.
After studying this lesson, you will be able to explain the meaning of communalism ; describe the impact of communalism on Indian Politics ; explain various factors behind communal violence ; explain the role of caste in our society ; describe the impact of casteism upon the Indian electoral system ; describe the reservation policy and the rationale behind it ; describe the various constitutional provisions for reservation ; recognise the importance of women’s reservation ; analyse reservation policy in the context of electoral politics.
Communalism, Caste and Reservations
22.1 Meaning of Communalism
India is a land of multiple faiths and religions leading often to violence and hatred among the people. Those who fan this religious violence do not consider religion as a moral order but use it as a means and