Kids have become so stressed because of school that they only see faking sick, skipping, or even hurting themselves to avoid attending their classes everyday. When will public school systems realize that sometimes students cannot take the pressure of receiving near perfect grades to get into a good college that eventually rests on how their entire life will pan out? Even while students are doing well in school, chronic sleep development can cause a decrease in performance. Having your sleep reduced by as little as an hour and a half can impact you greatly. In addition to my previous statement, chronic sleep loss can also severely impact your memory and cognitive development-- your ability to process information. This means that after learning new things all day in school, a student might forget key things the following day.
Solve: There are many ways to solve this problem, but one of the ways that I’ve come up with to get later school start times is to confront the Wentzville school board about the academic and emotional impact that the earlier times have caused for students throughout the state of Missouri. There can also be a petition signed by parents and students to push back school start times by an hour at the