My opinion on school lunches is that it needs to be changed because of many complaints due to the lack of taste and and nutrients needed for the body.As many people know students dislike school lunch and the numbers of students buying hot lunches dropped over the course of the school year which used to average about 330 hot school lunches bought but now its only about 225 which further proves my point.Also the school lunch that they serve is pizza, chicken nuggets, and tacos. Do they sound healthy to you? well these are some of the menu items available to buy in school at lunch.Although schools did try to change the lunch healthier they did not succeed which leads me on my next topic.
First lady Michelle Obama’s anti
obesity campaign called “Let 's Move” which encourages chefs to move to schools to make a healthier lunch menu with more nutrients and tastier dishes.I think that this anti obesity campaign is a great idea but schools are not interpreting it right.Currently this campaign did affect my school a lot, they took out some of the menu items available to buy.Well, its good that they did that but they did not replace it with anything better all the did was that they made food tasteless by using less fat and seasoning also they make us take a fruit or vegetable when we go to buy our lunch which no one even eats it just goes right to the garbage.Although they did make the food more healthy but now students are buying food to substitute lunch like chips and cookies and this is only making things worse.first lady Michelle Obama said to bring in chefs not try to change the lunch menu when we don 't even have people that went to culinary school and know how to make proper food in the school.This only made things worst and it used be better before they made these changes.
Well lets talk about foods served in school a bit more in depth.Pizza oh how tasty! but not the ones served in school or what people call “cardboard with cheese on top”.Also schools have these thing called “mystery meat” but wait this is not bad as leftovers which what our school calls “cooks choice”.”Cooks choice” is almost served everyday and it could be weeks old.Even teachers complain about the lunch quality but they tell the students not to tell the other adults that work in the school.I can sit here all day and write about how terrible the quality and how its affecting many students by making them eat all this junk food and i 'm pretty sure that if they take out all the chips and cookies and other junk food students would bring their own lunch or just not eat at all and that would cause more issues.
In conclusion I think that schools need to change every single item on the menu with healthier and more tasty food dishes and that would help child obesity which is one of the major problems we are facing here in the U.S.
Work Cited
"Introduction to Should Junk Food Be Sold in Schools?: At Issue." Should Junk Food Be Sold in Schools? Ed. Norah Piehl. Detroit: Greenhaven Press, 2011. At Issue. Opposing Viewpoints In Context. Web. 25 Mar. 2013.
Bruske, Ed. "Improving School Lunch Programs Is Complicated." Should Junk Food Be Sold in Schools? Ed. Norah Piehl. Detroit: Greenhaven Press, 2011. At Issue. Rpt. from "To Make School Food Healthy, Michelle Obama Has a Tall Order." Washington Post 14 Feb. 2010. Opposing Viewpoints In Context. Web. 26 Mar. 2013.