The secondary education issue I have chosen to focus on for this presentation is Whole School Behaviour Policies and how such policies can influence the teaching and learning experiences in school through the use of sanctions and rewards.
I chose this area to focus on because, as a student teacher on a teaching placement, behaviour in schools is one of my biggest concerns and also because, according to the Elton Report and other literature I have read, it appears that this is a major area of concern throughout secondary schools in the UK.
The Elton Report, a national enquiry into discipline in schools, was established by the Secretary of State for Education and Science in March 1989 in response to concern about the problems facing the teaching profession.
Their task was to “recommend action to the government, local authorities, voluntary bodies, governors, headteachers, teachers and parents aimed at improving behaviour in schools for effective teaching and learning to take place”. (Elton Report, DES, 1989)
The Elton Report has formed the basis of much of the current legislation on school behavioural policies and offers guidance for schools in drawing up their own behaviour policies.
The main findings and recommendations of the Elton Report can be summarised in the following points (Teachernet, 2008):
• School’s should adopt a ‘whole-school’ approach to their behaviour policies and the teachers’ approach should be one of consistency and fairness
• Schools should have a clear vision for managing behaviour through establishing clear rules and boundaries, with emphasis on the positive.
• All must adhere to policy
References: • Cowley, S. (2006), Getting the Buggers to Behave, Continuum International Publishing Group, London • HMSO (1989) The Elton Report: Enquiry into Discipline in Schools, Her Majesty 's Stationery Office, London • Kyriacou, C (1998), Essential Teaching Skills, Nelson Thornes Ltd, Cheltenham • Laslett, R and Smith, C (1984) Effective Classroom Management, Croom Helm Ltd, Kent • Rogers, B (2006) Classroom Behaviour: A Practical Guide for Effective Teaching, Behaviour Management and Colleague Support, Paul Chapman Publishing, London • Rogers, B (1995) Behaviour Management: A Whole-School Approach, Scholastic Australia, Gosford