EDFD589-Effective Teaching – Report
Tutor: Dan Haesler
‘How will I control my students’: Report
As a pre-service teacher the critical incident that is reflected in this report is important to consider as it highlights that as a pre-service teachers we may not be ready in the area of classroom management. Therefore we need to familiarise ourselves with the various classroom dynamics and be aware of different situations that may impede our effective instruction in the classroom.
School Context
The School where this critical incident happened is Patrician Brothers’ College, an all boys’ independent Catholic School. The Brothers’ of St. Patrick established the school in 1953. The school recognizes the importance of incorporating ICT in the classroom and has recently undergone a building refurbishment program, giving it modern facilities, which adheres to the National Standards of teaching (2.6.1)(BOSTES,2012). The school is a mixed ability school and the students come from a range of socio-economic backgrounds.
Critical Incident
The observed critical incident happened during a year 9-history class. The class had group presentations to deliver, this was an important assignment as it was to help to convey to the teacher that the students had grasped the key concepts and were able think critically about the depth study they had been researching. The presentation was also important for students to learn from their peers the differing opinions and critiques of the topic, a key skill that has to be learned in historical pedagogy. The first group begins their presentations, however they are disrupted as two students arrive late to class. The teacher turns his attention to the latecomers and asks them to stand outside and wait while the first group finished their presentations. Afterwards the teacher leaves the classroom to speak to the boys, which leads to further disruption in the class as without an
References: Marzano, R. J. (2011). Classroom Management: Whose Job Is It?. Educational Leadership, 69(2), 85. Brady S &Scully A,(2005) Engagement: Inclusive Classroom Management, Pearson Education Australia Tauber R.T (2007) Classroom Management Sound Theory and effective Practice, Greenwood Publishing Group Tileston D.W (2004) What Every Teacher Should Know about Classroom Management and Discipline, Crowin Press Sprick R.S (2013) Discipline in the Secondary Classroom: A Positive Approach to Behaviour Management, Jossey-Bass San Francisco, CA Glasser, W. (1990). The quality school: Managing students without coercion. New York: Harper & Row. Nilsson P (2009),From lesson plan to new comprehension: exploring student teachers’ pedagogical reasoning in learning about teaching ,European Journal of Teacher Education Vol Edwards, H. C. (2008). Classroom Discipline and Management. 2nd Australasian Edition. John Wiley Publishing. Sydney Burden, P Emmer et al(2013) Handbook of Classroom Management: Research, Practice and Contemporary Issues, Routledge Glssser, W Romi D.J, Tartwijk,J.V (2013) Student teachers’ discipline strategies: relations with self-images, anticipated student responses and control orientation Educational Studies Winson, J. and Cording, M. (2002), Focus on Practice: Assertive Discipline in a school for pupils with emotional and behavioural difficulties. British Journal of Special Education, Vol. 29, pp72–75. Maureen L. Griffin (2003) Using Critical Incidents to Promote and Assess Reflective Thinking in Preservice Teachers, Reflective Practice: International and Multidisciplinary Perspectives, Vol 4 pp. 207-220, Nilsson, P http://www.nswteachers.nsw.edu.au/Main-Professional-Teaching-Standards.html (BOSTES Professional Teaching Standards,2012)