Schools should be schools and not fashion shows. Students that attend school are mostly worried about what they are going to wear to school and less worried about their homework, which is far more important.
I believe that we should have school uniforms for multiple reasons. Most students think that school uniforms are dumb because every one of them would be wearing the same exact thing. Did you ever think that you could stand out in your own special way? Not everybody has to wear their hair the same, have the same makeup or fingernail polish on, you can make that decision on your own.
Students wake up in the morning wasting their time on what they should wear, school uniforms would fix that problem! They would also save you money. Parents who don’t have much money or even do stress out before the start of the school year worried about nice school clothes that they need to buy.
Admit it, you hurry and struggle in the morning finding clothes that match. One of the best things about uniforms is you don’t have to worry about that!! You would be able to wake up and not worry about being late or missing the bus.
If students had uniforms they wouldn’t be judged by what they are wearing because they would all be dressed the same. At school …show more content…
Poor students would no longer feel excluded because they were not wearing name brand clothing like the richer kids. In addition, social status would be less of an issue because everyone would be wearing the same clothing. One of the biggest arguments against school uniforms is that students would lose their sense of individuality. I believe that uniforms will improve students’ individuality because they will have to express themselves through their personality and attitude, rather than through an expensive pair of shoes or a brand name pair of jeans. Uniforms will improve self-esteem in the students because they will not feel pressured to dress a certain