Don Andres Soriano, Toledo City
School year 2012-2013
Scope and Sequence in Science 3
References: Science and Health Today 3, Rebecca Ronquillo – Fallaria, Science Spectrum 3; Science Links 3
First Periodical
Lesson: The Sense Organ 1. The Eyes 2. The Ears 3. The Nose 4. The Tongue 5. The Skin
Second Periodical Lesson: Growth and Development 1. Physical Development 2. Factors Affecting One’s Growth 3. Protecting Oneself from Abuse
Third Periodical
Lesson: Animals Around Us 1. Common Animals in the Locality 2. Classifying Animals into Big Groups 3. Comparing Body Parts of Animals Used for Getting Food 4. Describing the Uses of Animals and How to Take care of Them 5. Safety Measures in Caring for Animals
Fourth Periodical Lesson: Plants Around Us 1. Describing Plant Parts and Their Functions 2. Classifying Plants 3. Plant Propagation 4. Describing the Uses of Plants
Fifth Periodical Lesson: Understanding Matter 1. Demonstrating That Matter Has Weight 2. Classifying Objects Found at Home Sixth Periodical Lesson: Energy 1. Describing Light Energy 2. Demonstrating How Sound Is Produced
Seventh Periodical Lesson: Force and Motion 1. Interfering That Force Moves Objects Eight Periodical
Lesson: What is the Earth Made Of? 1. Identifying the Earth’s Natural Resources 2. Describing the Different Kinds of Soil and their Uses 3. Describing the Importance of Water 4. Stating the Importance of Clean and Safe Air
Ninth Periodical
Lesson: What is Weather? 1. Observing the Elements That Affect Weather 2. Identifying the Effects of