Other major changes include CSS Selectors which CSS2 had simple selectors and the new version calls the components as a sequence of simple selectors. Pseudo elements because many Pseudo elements have been added that allow in-depth yet easy styling. Also a new convention of double colons ‘::’ has been introduced. Style properties let multiple background images be layered in the box using different elements like background image position and repeat. Border style is the styling of borders that extended to images and rounded designs which includes creating image of the borders and then automatically apply image to the borders through CSS.
Additions in Properties include border-radius, image-source, image-slice, and the values for width outset and stretch have been added in CSS3. It also features properties for managing boxes like shadowing, wrapping and breaking have been added. The best part of CSS3 is that it has done away with complex structures for div tag and makes it easy for hassle free designing of multiple table-less columns. This can be simply done by putting in the number of columns in the browser that need to be added in the body element along with their width, color and height to make the text flow through the columns with ease.