SWOT is an acronym of Strength, Weakness, Opportunity and Threats that are essential to SEIKO Holdings Corporation and those various contingences of Sub Corporation across the worldwide in order to track down the company’s management strategic performances. This SWOT analysis is identifying the internal matters (Strength and Weakness) and external matters (Opportunity and Threats) for SEIKO Holdings Corporation to achieve their objectives and exclusive goals which they had never done before that. SWOT Analysis can help management to discover what business does better than other contingency companies. Besides that, various companies included SEIKO want to become successful in their management by going through SWOT Analysis environmental scanning tools. As these tools will indulge better performances on how does the company integrating cooperatively with the formulation of internal and external factors, which are Strength, Weakness, Opportunity and Threat. A good fit maximizes SEIKO’s strength and Opportunity and minimizes their Weakness and Threat will generate powerful implications towards the company’s future.
Thus, a well know defined in SEIKO Holdings Corporation needed to be discovered further in their SWOT analysis as these matters are important to the corporations.
The following SWOT analyses for SEIKO are as below: 1) STRENGTHS * SEIKO provides a high standard of innovative and Research and Development towards technological based in watches.
As for research based, we found out that SEIKO contribute a high standard of innovation and Research and Development (R&D) towards technological based in watches. SEIKO watches lead the world energy efficient watch making throughout the world who those others companies are not expert at it. Since their continuation of Research and Development by those expertise’s engineering in SEIKO watches Corporation Inc., they did contribute a higher level of productivity with an extraordinary